Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lydia's first trip to the ER

This trip was not near as bloody as Luke's trip to the ER but it was just as traumatic.
It was a quiet evening at our house, I was feeding Lydia dinner. As I was feeding her I noticed something shinny in her nose...this was very odd. I pulled her out of her highchair and laid her down on the table. To my horror, She had stuck a shinny little bead up her nose. All the way to the back. OH NO!!!

I had Mark come over and look, He being a man and way more of a go getter then I am decided we could get it out on our own. We took a booger sucker from the hospital and cut off the ball part of it and in true redneck form, ducked taped it to the end of our vacuum cleaner. Laid Lydia down on the table and tried to suck it out. no such luck. i now know that there is one thing that ducked tape can not fix!

So, off Lydia and I went to the ER. We got there and waited for our turn. When we got into the room I was not to sure if the doctor could help because when she saw it she said "huh, Ive never seen that before." Lydia had stuck it so far back that nothing could get it out. We tried everything, all the while my poor baby was screaming! finally the doctor called in some help. one of the helpers was a rather good looking male nurse. They all decided they would hold her down and I would blow in her mouth to push the bead out. The rather good looking male nurse stood by me, I blew with all my might, and out shot...SNOT! All over my cheek. I thought I would die! least cool moment ever!

They rigged something else up and finally sucked it out of her nose. it was so traumatic you would think she would have learned her lesson...oh no! she has tried it three more times. Oh how ready i am for her to be out of this stage!


  1. Oh man, I know I wouldn't be laughing if this happened to me...but I have to say that this made me laugh! I'm glad you finally got it out!

  2. i agree with maggie... i know it's supposed to be traumatic, but thanks for the entertainment! :)
