Monday, January 31, 2011

For better or worse, wrinkly or rolly!

                                                   Pictures from wileywagon photography Luke walked down the isle on sunday with his sweet little friend kate! They looked adorable! It was because a couple in the church were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with a vow renewal!
50 years. I can only hope God blesses mark and I with 50 years! They were still so in love. It was so wonderful to see two people make the choice to really commit to their vows. Where will we be in 50 years? I will be old! lol

 I hope that I am sitting on my porch with my grand babies sitting with me, and the love of my life sitting beside not a bowl of peanut m&m' other love...Mark!
  I know that as long as we put God first, that we will be together. for better or worse..richer or poorer in sickness and in health, fat or skinny,droopy or saggy,wrinkly or rolly...If we ever renew our adding that last part!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Am I turning into my mother?? Oh geez!

Growing up I can remember hearing my mother say things like "because I said so" and "don't make me come in there" and "that wasn't nice". I remember her making my eat my veggies and take baths, we also played the quiet game a lot...hmm that makes a lot of sense now. Mark likes me to play that game too...with wonder I always lose!..Anyway back to my thought...

She was on top of me about cleaning...whole lotta good that did!
She never gave up on me, even as a teenager. I was very blessed and didnt really know it. I thought I would never be like her! I was gonna be a cool mom.

Now that I am a mother and I am the one saying "because I said so" and "dont make me come in there" and "eat my ..I mean your veggies " :) I see that if I am half the mother that my mom was to children will turn out ok. And just maybe they will grow up to be cool parents like me and my mom!

Lydia- Terror and Treasure!

The proof is in the pudding! I guess to make my point I should tell ya that as I typed up my first draft of this, i had to leave for a moment and my little treasure came along and found the back space button! So here we go again.....

lets cover the treasure part first...
Lydia is the most adorable little girl ever. She is sweet and kind, loves to give lots of hugs and kisses. Always up for a snuggle if shes not to busy following her big brother around! Very chatty (Go figure!)
She always has the biggest smile when I go get her out of bed! Loves bath time, And she likes to shake what her momma gave her! I have no idea where she gets her rhythm since her father and I are both very..well, white!

This diva has a dark side!
Who ever invented the words "terrible two's" was lying!
I would like to bring a more truthful statement to light...terrible toddlers!
Lets not lie anymore to young unsuspecting parents! Lets throw the truth out there to start with! Don't give them the hope of two solid year of peace and tranquility before they hop the train to crazytown!
Lydia is always moving and giggling, I have bought her squeaker shoes thinking this would salve all my problems, I would be able to know where she was at all times...yes I do always know where she is, she is ALWAYS right next to me doing her "squeaker shoes dance!"
And do not get on her dark side! She will get her little finger in your face and squeal at you in a terrible rage! And if you dare to laugh, beware, her evil eye will find you!! Mark in all his wisdom will just looks at me and says, how can mommy get onto her for something mommy did this morning! just joking...I'm a delight!! :)

So next time that sweet angel of yours is throwing a major fit in the middle of wall mart and someone says "oh, is someone in their terrible two's" Look at them, give them Lydias evil eye, and squeal! that person will be so shocked and stunned that you will be able to walk away and count to ten and  resist your first thought, you know the one about slapping that person on the face! For giving you the false hope that it will only last while they are two!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thank God that its curly!!!

Lesson number 4,306,572 of my life…
Just because you own a pair of very nice hair cutting scissors’ does not mean that you should cut your own hair! I learned this the hard way.
I in all my wisdom decided to trim and layer my own hair to save us money. I thought I had done a wonderful job. Well yesterday I decided to straighten my hair. I stood there looking in the mirror when I was done, basking in the glory of my amazing cutting job!
I grabbed my hand mirror and turned around to bask in the glory of the back…to my horror the back is not so glorious! Choppy is by far the nicest way to describe it.
I am also way to embarrassed to go get it fixed anytime soon! So I will be wearing it curly until it grows out.
So the next time you see me, I will be watching to see if you look at the back of my head!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I wanted them to learn to talk so badly....but now...

When my children where born I so badly wanted to know everything they where thinking. I wanted to hear them speak to me saying things like "mommy I love you" and "yes, I will obey and clean your house"
Oh how silly I was! Don't get me wrong they are adorable and say the cutest funniest things ever! But they also say the most off the wall things. And they choose to save the most "special" things for when we are out in public.. like "mom I farted!" and "mom, that man is looking at me funny!" Oh joy! Yes my son said both of these things while we were out tonight eating ice cream.

  And my child does not have a quiet voice! So yes, the man that was looking at him funny along with the rest of the restaurant, heard him. Fun,fun! My son is very outgoing and friendly. But none of this can compare to when he bends over and waves at the person in the next stall in the public restrooms...and then stands back up and says "what is that funny noise she is making?"...ugh. Try not to laugh at that moment..I dare you!

  When I call my mother for sympathy she just laughs and says "hmmm...I remember his mother being the same way". So I guess I can take a little joy in knowing that his child will do the same thing to him..:)

my house might be a mess but Im fun!!

When my children grow up what will they remember about me?
I know they will remember that the house was not always clean.
I hope they remember that I love the Lord.
They will remember me getting them someone else to help with homework because thats not my thing.
I also know they will remember that I was fun! I fail at so many things but we have so much fun together. We bake and we make messes and we watch movies and we laugh a lot!

So young mommies of this world,
Please try not to stress about your house and the things you can not fit into your day. Instead focus on your babies and having fun with them. You will not remember in 20 years the load of dishes you didnt get done on Jan 27 2011 But you will remember the first time your baby smiled or laughed. Or your first tea party with your daughter. Or the puppy following around your son in the yard!

Keep it simple and keep it happy!

Oh where has naptime gone?

Naptime is the greatest time of day for a least this mother!I get things done that are hard to do when the kids are awake. I eat snacks that I don't want to share (don't judge). I spend time just sitting or if I feel like it I catch up on the years of sleep I have missed since having my children.

   But now my son being a big boy and all has decided he is two big to take naps. I am not a fan of the choice. I try to tell him that naptime is good! I don't think he knows that it is much more important then he thinks. That hour and a half is sometimes all that stands between happy mommy and a near death experience.

I truly believe that a good nap could save lives. Maybe a good nap would stop mass murderers...maybe not but who knows. All I know is that I'm not ready to give it up and I'm gonna hope he changes his mind and starts taking them again.

I just had to get a puppy!

I am the type of person that when I decide to do something Im gonna do it!
My latest decision was to buy a puppy for my children. After a long time of searching (three days)
I decided that a basset hound was the dog for me...i mean us! :)
I found one in Skiatook so we dropped Luke off at my moms house and drove the hour and 15 min to pick up this little puppy. It was snowing and people were off in the ditch. looking back now it does seem a little much to go through for such a little puppy. But I was armed with my amazing snow driving not the mini van. Mark!!  So we brought home my little bundle of joy.
He has proved to be a good choice. He is a funny little dog.
he sleeps all the time. and trips over his ears. Lydia and I find this quit amusing!
He is very vocal...Mark says he was meant to be my dog...compliment?
Looking forward to the stories I will have about him! Aren't you?
This is Luke

                                                                   This is Merlin
                                                                     This is Lydia

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My adoption Story

25 years ago a college student found out she was going to have a baby. Knowing in her heart that she could not give her baby the life she wanted for it she decided to make the selfless choice to give it up for adoption.  That baby was me and this is my story!

A nurse at the city hospital told a couple named Freda and Gary about the young student and her choice. They had other adopted children. Freda told her sister Susie about the baby. after much prayer Susie decided she would like to see if the doors would be opened for her to adopt this baby and they were! Susie was a single woman with a big heart! She was able to hold her new little on when the baby was only 20 min old. The wonderful nurses at the hospital put her in her own room with her newly adopted blessing.

   I have been raised in the most loving family. Other then being much taller and having curly hair I have always felt I belonged. I have been so blessed. My grandmother used to say "we got stuck with the others, we got to pick you!"  My mother is my best friend. And the most wonderful mother a girl could ask for.

When I turned 24 we (my mom and I) started thinking and talking about finding my birthmother. We agreed that we would like to meet her and thank her for her choice to give me life.

We went down to the court house to have my records unsealed. We found her name and her birthdate.
I went out to sit in the hallway of the court house  with Mark while my mom printed off the paperwork we would need to help us find my birthmother. I looked through the window and saw my mom talking to a lady I had seen before. The lady then came out and sat by me and said "I know your mother". I was thinking yeah I know you know her. As I was thinking this she went on to say that she knew my mother when she was pregnant with me....Im thinking ok, wrong mother. She knew my birthmother! She has carried this with her all this time and never told anyone!CRAZY!! she told us about another woman in town that she thought still knew my birthmother. The Lord is so good. He put that woman in our path that day! She actually was not even on the right floor. she came to the court house for something on the first floor and found herself lost on the third floor and spotted my mom and decided to say hi!

So we went and found this other woman and yes she still knew my birthmother. We got in touch through her and know I am happy to say I know and love my birthmother. Gods timing is amazing. He has planned my whole life. I feel so very unworthy of His love. What a loving father!!

If momma ain't happy....

If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy. I have heard this saying for most of my life but today I have discovered the truth in it. I woke up this morning in the most horrible mood ever! It was a take no prisoners kind of mood. And it just went down hill from there. I didnt handle anything well at all. It really made me think about how important my role in this house really is. How much a wife/mother really does set the tone for the whole house. Mark and I didnt get along and the kids were not happy either. I must make the choice to be happy in my heart so that my house and the people in it can run smoothly. I am so grateful for Gods forgiveness and mercy. Sometimes having a happy heart is easy but a lot of times it isnt. On those days I must truly trust God and focus on letting his joy flow through me.

trying to think of something....

     I gotta tell you this is WAY more stressful then I thought it would be. Trying to think of something to say with two very active children running around. It amazes me how when I am trying to do something they all of the sudden need me. They have been playing fine all morning but now that Im trying to come up with something amazing to they need me! And not for anything special. I love being a mom but thank God for naptime!!!

So this is my blog....for better or worse

This is where I will blog all my thoughts on life. So yes it will be a short blog. :)
I am a mother of two children so at this moment in time most of my thoughts are about them. I have some pretty good stories to tell!