25 years ago a college student found out she was going to have a baby. Knowing in her heart that she could not give her baby the life she wanted for it she decided to make the selfless choice to give it up for adoption. That baby was me and this is my story!
A nurse at the city hospital told a couple named Freda and Gary about the young student and her choice. They had other adopted children. Freda told her sister Susie about the baby. after much prayer Susie decided she would like to see if the doors would be opened for her to adopt this baby and they were! Susie was a single woman with a big heart! She was able to hold her new little on when the baby was only 20 min old. The wonderful nurses at the hospital put her in her own room with her newly adopted blessing.
I have been raised in the most loving family. Other then being much taller and having curly hair I have always felt I belonged. I have been so blessed. My grandmother used to say "we got stuck with the others, we got to pick you!" My mother is my best friend. And the most wonderful mother a girl could ask for.
When I turned 24 we (my mom and I) started thinking and talking about finding my birthmother. We agreed that we would like to meet her and thank her for her choice to give me life.
We went down to the court house to have my records unsealed. We found her name and her birthdate.
I went out to sit in the hallway of the court house with Mark while my mom printed off the paperwork we would need to help us find my birthmother. I looked through the window and saw my mom talking to a lady I had seen before. The lady then came out and sat by me and said "I know your mother". I was thinking yeah I know you know her. As I was thinking this she went on to say that she knew my mother when she was pregnant with me....Im thinking ok, wrong mother. She knew my birthmother! She has carried this with her all this time and never told anyone!CRAZY!! she told us about another woman in town that she thought still knew my birthmother. The Lord is so good. He put that woman in our path that day! She actually was not even on the right floor. she came to the court house for something on the first floor and found herself lost on the third floor and spotted my mom and decided to say hi!
So we went and found this other woman and yes she still knew my birthmother. We got in touch through her and know I am happy to say I know and love my birthmother. Gods timing is amazing. He has planned my whole life. I feel so very unworthy of His love. What a loving father!!
Oh Chelsea! Such a beautiful picture of God's Faithfulness! Thank you for sharing this with us.